// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of version 2.0 of the GNU General // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of version 2.0 of the GNU General // Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free // Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, // MA 02110-1301, USA. // // if ( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.1' ) < 0 ) { print( "

Unsupported PHP version " . phpversion() . "

" ); print( "

eZ Publish 4.x does not run with PHP 4.

". "

For more information about supported software please visit ". "eZ Publish download page

" ); exit; } require 'autoload.php'; ignore_user_abort( true ); $memLimit = ini_get( 'memory_limit' ); if ($memLimit != '') { switch ( $memLimit{strlen( $memLimit ) - 1} ) { case 'G': $memLimit *= 1024; case 'M': $memLimit *= 1024; case 'K': $memLimit *= 1024; } if ( $memLimit != -1 && $memLimit < 44040192) /* 42*1024*1024 */ { @ini_set( 'memory_limit', '42M' ); } } $scriptStartTime = microtime( true ); ob_start(); $use_external_css = true; $show_page_layout = true; $moduleRunRequired = true; $policyCheckRequired = true; $urlTranslatorAllowed = true; $validityCheckRequired = false; $userObjectRequired = true; $sessionRequired = true; $dbRequired = true; $noCacheAdviced = false; $siteDesignOverride = false; // List of module names which will skip policy checking $policyCheckOmitList = array(); // List of directories to search for modules $moduleRepositories = array(); $siteBasics = array(); $siteBasics['external-css'] =& $use_external_css; $siteBasics['show-page-layout'] =& $show_page_layout; $siteBasics['module-run-required'] =& $moduleRunRequired; $siteBasics['policy-check-required'] =& $policyCheckRequired; $siteBasics['policy-check-omit-list'] =& $policyCheckOmitList; $siteBasics['url-translator-allowed'] =& $urlTranslatorAllowed; $siteBasics['validity-check-required'] =& $validityCheckRequired; $siteBasics['user-object-required'] =& $userObjectRequired; $siteBasics['session-required'] =& $sessionRequired; $siteBasics['db-required'] =& $dbRequired; $siteBasics['no-cache-adviced'] =& $noCacheAdviced; $siteBasics['site-design-override'] =& $siteDesignOverride; $siteBasics['module-repositories'] =& $moduleRepositories; $GLOBALS['eZSiteBasics'] =& $siteBasics; $GLOBALS['eZRedirection'] = false; error_reporting ( E_ALL | E_STRICT ); // include standard libs require_once( "lib/ezutils/classes/ezdebug.php" ); ////include_once( "lib/ezutils/classes/ezini.php" ); ////include_once( "lib/ezutils/classes/ezdebugsetting.php" ); $debugINI = eZINI::instance( 'debug.ini' ); eZDebugSetting::setDebugINI( $debugINI ); /*! Reads settings from site.ini and passes them to eZDebug. */ function eZUpdateDebugSettings() { $ini = eZINI::instance(); $settings = array(); list( $settings['debug-enabled'], $settings['debug-by-ip'], $settings['log-only'], $settings['debug-by-user'], $settings['debug-ip-list'], $logList, $settings['debug-user-list'] ) = $ini->variableMulti( 'DebugSettings', array( 'DebugOutput', 'DebugByIP', 'DebugLogOnly', 'DebugByUser', 'DebugIPList', 'AlwaysLog', 'DebugUserIDList' ), array( 'enabled', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'enabled' ) ); $logMap = array( 'notice' => eZDebug::LEVEL_NOTICE, 'warning' => eZDebug::LEVEL_WARNING, 'error' => eZDebug::LEVEL_ERROR, 'debug' => eZDebug::LEVEL_DEBUG ); $settings['always-log'] = array(); foreach ( $logMap as $name => $level ) { $settings['always-log'][$level] = in_array( $name, $logList ); } eZDebug::updateSettings( $settings ); } /*! Reads settings from i18n.ini and passes them to eZTextCodec. */ function eZUpdateTextCodecSettings() { $ini = eZINI::instance( 'i18n.ini' ); list( $i18nSettings['internal-charset'], $i18nSettings['http-charset'], $i18nSettings['mbstring-extension'] ) = $ini->variableMulti( 'CharacterSettings', array( 'Charset', 'HTTPCharset', 'MBStringExtension' ), array( false, false, 'enabled' ) ); ////include_once( 'lib/ezi18n/classes/eztextcodec.php' ); eZTextCodec::updateSettings( $i18nSettings ); } // Initialize text codec settings eZUpdateTextCodecSettings(); // Initialize debug settings. eZUpdateDebugSettings(); // Set the different permissions/settings. $ini = eZINI::instance(); // Set correct site timezone $timezone = $ini->variable( "TimeZoneSettings", "TimeZone"); if ( $timezone ) { putenv( "TZ=$timezone" ); } list( $iniFilePermission, $iniDirPermission ) = $ini->variableMulti( 'FileSettings', array( 'StorageFilePermissions', 'StorageDirPermissions' ) ); $iniVarDirectory = eZSys::cacheDirectory() ; // OPTIMIZATION: // Sets permission array as global variable, this avoids the eZCodePage include $GLOBALS['EZCODEPAGEPERMISSIONS'] = array( 'file_permission' => octdec( $iniFilePermission ), 'dir_permission' => octdec( $iniDirPermission ), 'var_directory' => $iniVarDirectory ); // $warningList = array(); /*! Appends a new warning item to the warning list. \a $parameters must contain a \c error and \c text key. */ function eZAppendWarningItem( $parameters = array() ) { global $warningList; $parameters = array_merge( array( 'error' => false, 'text' => false, 'identifier' => false ), $parameters ); $error = $parameters['error']; $text = $parameters['text']; $identifier = $parameters['identifier']; $warningList[] = array( 'error' => $error, 'text' => $text, 'identifier' => $identifier ); } // Needed by the error handler, since the current directory is lost when // the callback function eZExecutionUncleanShutdownHandler is called. $GLOBALS['eZDocumentRoot'] = dirname( __FILE__ ); require_once( 'lib/ezutils/classes/ezexecution.php' ); /* see: - http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.session-set-save-handler.php - http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=33635 - http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=33772 */ register_shutdown_function( 'session_write_close' ); function eZDBCleanup() { if ( class_exists( 'eZDB' ) and eZDB::hasInstance() ) { $db = eZDB::instance(); $db->setIsSQLOutputEnabled( false ); } // session_write_close(); } function eZFatalError() { //eZDebug::setHandleType( eZDebug::HANDLE_NONE ); print( "Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request
" ); print( "

The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

" ); $templateResult = null; eZDisplayResult( $templateResult ); } eZExecution::addCleanupHandler( 'eZDBCleanup' ); eZExecution::addFatalErrorHandler( 'eZFatalError' ); eZDebug::setScriptStart( $scriptStartTime ); // Enable this line to get eZINI debug output // eZINI::setIsDebugEnabled( true ); // Enable this line to turn off ini caching // eZINI::setIsCacheEnabled( false); function eZDisplayDebug() { $ini = eZINI::instance(); if ( $ini->variable( 'DebugSettings', 'DebugOutput' ) != 'enabled' ) return null; $type = $ini->variable( "DebugSettings", "Debug" ); //eZDebug::setHandleType( eZDebug::HANDLE_NONE ); if ( $type == "inline" or $type == "popup" ) { $as_html = true; if ( $ini->variable( "DebugSettings", "DebugToolbar" ) == 'enabled' && $ini->variable( "SiteAccessSettings", "CheckValidity" ) !== 'true' && $as_html == true && !$GLOBALS['eZRedirection'] ) { require_once( 'kernel/common/template.php' ); $tpl = templateInit(); $result = "" . $tpl->fetch( 'design:setup/debug_toolbar.tpl' ) . ""; eZDebug::appendTopReport( "Debug toolbar", $result ); } ////include_once( 'kernel/common/eztemplatesstatisticsreporter.php' ); eZDebug::appendBottomReport( 'Template Usage Statistics', eZTemplatesStatisticsReporter::generateStatistics( $as_html ) ); return eZDebug::printReport( $type == "popup", $as_html, true ); } return null; } /*! \private */ function eZDisplayResult( $templateResult ) { if ( $templateResult !== null ) { $debugMarker = ''; $pos = strpos( $templateResult, $debugMarker ); if ( $pos !== false ) { $debugMarkerLength = strlen( $debugMarker ); echo substr( $templateResult, 0, $pos ); eZDisplayDebug(); echo substr( $templateResult, $pos + $debugMarkerLength ); } else { echo $templateResult, eZDisplayDebug(); } } else { eZDisplayDebug(); } } function fetchModule( $uri, $check, &$module, &$module_name, &$function_name, &$params ) { $module_name = $uri->element(); if ( $check !== null and isset( $check["module"] ) ) $module_name = $check["module"]; // Try to fetch the module object $module = eZModule::exists( $module_name ); if ( !( $module instanceof eZModule ) ) { return false; } $uri->increase(); $function_name = ""; if ( !$module->singleFunction() ) { $function_name = $uri->element(); $uri->increase(); } // Override it if required if ( $check !== null and isset( $check["function"] ) ) $function_name = $check["function"]; $params = $uri->elements( false ); return true; } ////include_once( 'lib/ezi18n/classes/eztextcodec.php' ); $httpCharset = eZTextCodec::httpCharset(); ////include_once( 'lib/ezlocale/classes/ezlocale.php' ); $ini = eZINI::instance(); if ( $ini->variable( 'RegionalSettings', 'Debug' ) == 'enabled' ) eZLocale::setIsDebugEnabled( true ); ////include_once( "lib/ezutils/classes/ezsys.php" ); eZDebug::setHandleType( eZDebug::HANDLE_FROM_PHP ); $GLOBALS['eZGlobalRequestURI'] = eZSys::serverVariable( 'REQUEST_URI' ); // Initialize basic settings, such as vhless dirs and separators eZSys::init( 'index.php', $ini->variable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'ForceVirtualHost' ) == 'true' ); eZDebug::addTimingPoint( "Script start" ); ////include_once( "lib/ezutils/classes/ezuri.php" ); $uri = eZURI::instance( eZSys::requestURI() ); $GLOBALS['eZRequestedURI'] = $uri; require_once "pre_check.php"; // Shall we start the eZ setup module? //if ( $ini->variable( "SiteAccessSettings", "CheckValidity" ) == "true" ) // //include_once( "lib/ezsetup/classes/ezsetup.php" ); //require_once 'kernel/error/errors.php'; /* print( "
" );
var_dump( $_SERVER );
print( "
" ); print( "HTTP_HOST=" . eZSys::serverVariable( 'HTTP_HOST' ) . "
loadCache(); // Check if this should be run in a cronjob // Need to be runned before eZHTTPTool::instance() because of eZSessionStart() which // is called from eZHandlePreChecks() below. $useCronjob = $ini->variable( 'Session', 'BasketCleanup' ) == 'cronjob'; if ( !$useCronjob ) { // Functions for session to make sure baskets are cleaned up function eZSessionBasketDestroy( $db, $key, $escapedKey ) { ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezbasket.php' ); $basket = eZBasket::fetch( $key ); if ( is_object( $basket ) ) $basket->remove(); } function eZSessionBasketGarbageCollector( $db, $time ) { ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezbasket.php' ); eZBasket::cleanupExpired( $time ); } function eZSessionBasketEmpty( $db ) { ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezbasket.php' ); eZBasket::cleanup(); } // Fill in hooks $GLOBALS['eZSessionFunctions']['destroy_pre'][] = 'eZSessionBasketDestroy'; $GLOBALS['eZSessionFunctions']['gc_pre'][] = 'eZSessionBasketGarbageCollector'; $GLOBALS['eZSessionFunctions']['empty_pre'][] = 'eZSessionBasketEmpty'; } $check = eZHandlePreChecks( $siteBasics, $uri ); require_once( 'kernel/common/i18n.php' ); if ( $sessionRequired ) { $dbRequired = true; } $db = false; if ( $dbRequired ) { ////include_once( 'lib/ezdb/classes/ezdb.php' ); $db = eZDB::instance(); if ( $sessionRequired and $db->isConnected() ) { eZSessionStart(); } if ( !$db->isConnected() ) $warningList[] = array( 'error' => array( 'type' => 'kernel', 'number' => eZError::KERNEL_NO_DB_CONNECTION ), 'text' => 'No database connection could be made, the system might not behave properly.' ); } // Initialize with locale settings ////include_once( "lib/ezlocale/classes/ezlocale.php" ); $locale = eZLocale::instance(); $languageCode = $locale->httpLocaleCode(); $phpLocale = trim( $ini->variable( 'RegionalSettings', 'SystemLocale' ) ); if ( $phpLocale != '' ) { setlocale( LC_ALL, explode( ',', $phpLocale ) ); } // send header information $headerList = array( 'Expires' => 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT', 'Last-Modified' => gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT', 'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache, must-revalidate', 'Pragma' => 'no-cache', 'X-Powered-By' => 'eZ Publish', 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=' . $httpCharset, 'Served-by' => $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"], 'Content-language' => $languageCode ); $site = array( 'title' => $ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'SiteName' ), 'design' => $ini->variable( 'DesignSettings', 'SiteDesign' ), 'http_equiv' => array( 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=' . $httpCharset, 'Content-language' => $languageCode ) ); ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezhttpheader.php' ); $headerOverrideArray = eZHTTPHeader::headerOverrideArray( $uri ); $headerList = array_merge( $headerList, $headerOverrideArray ); foreach( $headerList as $key => $value ) { header( $key . ': ' . $value ); } ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezsection.php' ); eZSection::initGlobalID(); // Read role settings $globalPolicyCheckOmitList = $ini->variable( 'RoleSettings', 'PolicyOmitList' ); $policyCheckOmitList = array_merge( $policyCheckOmitList, $globalPolicyCheckOmitList ); $policyCheckViewMap = array(); foreach ( $policyCheckOmitList as $omitItem ) { $items = explode( '/', $omitItem ); if ( count( $items ) > 1 ) { $module = $items[0]; $view = $items[1]; if ( !isset( $policyCheckViewMap[$module] ) ) $policyCheckViewMap[$module] = array(); $policyCheckViewMap[$module][] = $view; } } // Initialize module loading ////include_once( "lib/ezutils/classes/ezmodule.php" ); $moduleRepositories = eZModule::activeModuleRepositories(); eZModule::setGlobalPathList( $moduleRepositories ); ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/eznavigationpart.php' ); // Start the module loop while ( $moduleRunRequired ) { $objectHasMovedError = false; $objectHasMovedURI = false; $actualRequestedURI = $uri->uriString(); // Extract user specified parameters $userParameters = $uri->userParameters(); // Generate a URI which also includes the user parameters $completeRequestedURI = $uri->originalURIString(); // Check for URL translation if ( $urlTranslatorAllowed and $ini->variable( 'URLTranslator', 'Translation' ) == 'enabled' and !$uri->isEmpty() ) { ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezurlaliasml.php' ); $translateResult = eZURLAliasML::translate( $uri ); if ( !$translateResult ) { $useWildcardTranslation = $ini->variable( 'URLTranslator', 'WildcardTranslation' ) == 'enabled'; if ( $useWildcardTranslation ) { ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezurlwildcard.php' ); $translateResult = eZURLWildcard::translate( $uri ); } } // Check if the URL has moved if ( is_string( $translateResult ) ) { $objectHasMovedURI = $translateResult; $objectHasMovedError = true; } } if ( $uri->isEmpty() ) { $tmp_uri = new eZURI( $ini->variable( "SiteSettings", "IndexPage" ) ); $moduleCheck = accessAllowed( $tmp_uri ); } else { $moduleCheck = accessAllowed( $uri ); } if ( !$moduleCheck['result'] ) { if ( $ini->variable( "SiteSettings", "ErrorHandler" ) == "defaultpage" ) { $defaultPage = $ini->variable( "SiteSettings", "DefaultPage" ); $uri->setURIString( $defaultPage ); $moduleCheck['result'] = true; } } ////include_once( "lib/ezutils/classes/ezhttptool.php" ); $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); $displayMissingModule = false; $oldURI = $uri; if ( $uri->isEmpty() ) { if ( !fetchModule( $tmp_uri, $check, $module, $module_name, $function_name, $params ) ) $displayMissingModule = true; } else if ( !fetchModule( $uri, $check, $module, $module_name, $function_name, $params ) ) { if ( $ini->variable( "SiteSettings", "ErrorHandler" ) == "defaultpage" ) { $tmp_uri = new eZURI( $ini->variable( "SiteSettings", "DefaultPage" ) ); if ( !fetchModule( $tmp_uri, $check, $module, $module_name, $function_name, $params ) ) $displayMissingModule = true; } else $displayMissingModule = true; } if ( !$displayMissingModule && $moduleCheck['result'] && $module instanceof eZModule ) { // Run the module/function eZDebug::addTimingPoint( "Module start '" . $module->attribute( 'name' ) . "'" ); $moduleAccessAllowed = true; $omitPolicyCheck = true; $runModuleView = true; if ( $policyCheckRequired ) { $omitPolicyCheck = false; $moduleName = $module->attribute( 'name' ); $viewName = $function_name; if ( in_array( $moduleName, $policyCheckOmitList ) ) $omitPolicyCheck = true; else if ( isset( $policyCheckViewMap[$moduleName] ) and in_array( $viewName, $policyCheckViewMap[$moduleName] ) ) $omitPolicyCheck = true; } if ( !$omitPolicyCheck ) { $currentUser = eZUser::currentUser(); $siteAccessResult = $currentUser->hasAccessTo( 'user', 'login' ); $hasAccessToSite = false; if ( $siteAccessResult[ 'accessWord' ] == 'limited' ) { $policyChecked = false; foreach ( array_keys( $siteAccessResult['policies'] ) as $key ) { $policy = $siteAccessResult['policies'][$key]; if ( isset( $policy['SiteAccess'] ) ) { $policyChecked = true; $crc32AccessName = eZSys::ezcrc32( $access[ 'name' ] ); eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-siteaccess', $policy['SiteAccess'], $crc32AccessName ); if ( in_array( $crc32AccessName, $policy['SiteAccess'] ) ) { $hasAccessToSite = true; break; } } if ( $hasAccessToSite ) break; } if ( !$policyChecked ) $hasAccessToSite = true; } else if ( $siteAccessResult[ 'accessWord' ] == 'yes' ) { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-siteaccess', "access is yes" ); $hasAccessToSite = true; } else if ( $siteAccessResult['accessWord'] == 'no' ) { $accessList = $siteAccessResult['accessList']; } if ( $hasAccessToSite ) { $moduleAccessAllowed = $currentUser->hasAccessToView( $module, $function_name, $params ); if ( isset( $params['accessList'] ) ) { $accessList = $params['accessList']; unset( $params['accessList'] ); } } else { eZDebugSetting::writeDebug( 'kernel-siteaccess', $access, 'not able to get access to siteaccess' ); $moduleAccessAllowed = false; $requireUserLogin = ( $ini->variable( "SiteAccessSettings", "RequireUserLogin" ) == "true" ); if ( $requireUserLogin ) { $module = eZModule::exists( 'user' ); if ( $module instanceof eZModule ) { $moduleResult = $module->run( 'login', array(), array( 'SiteAccessAllowed' => false, 'SiteAccessName' => $access['name'] ) ); $runModuleView = false; } } } } $GLOBALS['eZRequestedModule'] = $module; if ( $runModuleView ) { if ( $objectHasMovedError == true ) { $moduleResult = $module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_MOVED, 'kernel', array( 'new_location' => $objectHasMovedURI ) ); } else if ( !$moduleAccessAllowed ) { $availableViewsInModule = $module->attribute( 'views' ); if ( isset( $availableViewsInModule[$function_name][ 'default_navigation_part' ] ) ) { $defaultNavigationPart = $availableViewsInModule[$function_name][ 'default_navigation_part' ]; } if ( isset( $accessList ) ) $moduleResult = $module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel', array( 'AccessList' => $accessList ) ); else $moduleResult = $module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_ACCESS_DENIED, 'kernel' ); if ( isset( $defaultNavigationPart ) ) { $moduleResult['navigation_part'] = $defaultNavigationPart; unset( $defaultNavigationPart ); } } else { if ( !isset( $userParameters ) ) { $userParameters = false; } // Check if we should switch access mode (http/https) for this module view. ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezsslzone.php' ); eZSSLZone::checkModuleView( $module->attribute( 'name' ), $function_name ); $moduleResult = $module->run( $function_name, $params, false, $userParameters ); if ( $module->exitStatus() == eZModule::STATUS_FAILED and $moduleResult == null ) $moduleResult = $module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_MODULE_VIEW_NOT_FOUND, 'kernel', array( 'module' => $module_name, 'view' => $function_name ) ); } } } else if ( $moduleCheck['result'] ) { eZDebug::writeError( "Undefined module: $module_name", "index" ); $module = new eZModule( "", "", $module_name ); $GLOBALS['eZRequestedModule'] = $module; $moduleResult = $module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_MODULE_NOT_FOUND, 'kernel', array( 'module' => $module_name ) ); } else { if ( $moduleCheck['view_checked'] ) eZDebug::writeError( "View '" . $moduleCheck['view'] . "' in module '" . $moduleCheck['module'] . "' is disabled", "index" ); else eZDebug::writeError( "Module '" . $moduleCheck['module'] . "' is disabled", "index" ); $module = new eZModule( "", "", $moduleCheck['module'] ); $GLOBALS['eZRequestedModule'] = $module; $moduleResult = $module->handleError( eZError::KERNEL_MODULE_DISABLED, 'kernel', array( 'check' => $moduleCheck ) ); } $moduleRunRequired = false; if ( $module->exitStatus() == eZModule::STATUS_RERUN ) { if ( isset( $moduleResult['rerun_uri'] ) ) { $uri = eZURI::instance( $moduleResult['rerun_uri'] ); $moduleRunRequired = true; } else eZDebug::writeError( 'No rerun URI specified, cannot continue', 'index.php' ); } if ( is_array( $moduleResult ) ) { if ( isset( $moduleResult["pagelayout"] ) ) { $show_page_layout = $moduleResult["pagelayout"]; $GLOBALS['eZCustomPageLayout'] = $moduleResult["pagelayout"]; } if ( isset( $moduleResult["external_css"] ) ) $use_external_css = $moduleResult["external_css"]; } } if ( $module->exitStatus() == eZModule::STATUS_REDIRECT ) { $GLOBALS['eZRedirection'] = true; $ini = eZINI::instance(); $uri = eZURI::instance( eZSys::requestURI() ); list( $redirUri, $debugByIP, $debugIPList ) = $ini->variableMulti( "DebugSettings", array( 'DebugRedirection', 'DebugByIP', 'DebugIPList' ) ); $automatic_redir = true; if ( $redirUri == "enabled" ) { $automatic_redir = false; } else if ( $redirUri != "disabled" ) { $redirUris = $ini->variableArray( "DebugSettings", "DebugRedirection" ); $uri->toBeginning(); foreach ( $redirUris as $redirUri ) { $redirUri = new eZURI( $redirUri ); if ( $redirUri->matchBase( $uri ) ) { $automatic_redir = false; break; } } } $debugEnabled = false; if ( $debugByIP == 'enabled' ) { $ipAddress = eZSys::serverVariable( 'REMOTE_ADDR', true ); if ( $ipAddress ) { foreach( $debugIPList as $itemToMatch ) { if ( preg_match("/^(([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+))(\/([0-9]+)$|$)/", $itemToMatch, $matches ) ) { if ( $matches[6] ) { if ( eZDebug::isIPInNet( $ipAddress, $matches[1], $matches[7] ) ) { $debugEnabled=true; break; } } else { if ( $matches[1] == $ipAddress ) { $debugEnabled=true; break; } } } } } else { $debugEnabled = ( in_array( 'commandline', $debugIPList ) && ( php_sapi_name() == 'cli' ) ); } } if ( !$debugEnabled && $redirUri == 'disabled' ) { $automatic_redir = true; } $redirectURI = eZSys::indexDir(); $moduleRedirectUri = $module->redirectURI(); $redirectStatus = $module->redirectStatus(); $translatedModuleRedirectUri = $moduleRedirectUri; if ( $ini->variable( 'URLTranslator', 'Translation' ) == 'enabled' ) { ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezurlaliasml.php' ); if ( eZURLAliasML::translate( $translatedModuleRedirectUri, true ) ) { $moduleRedirectUri = $translatedModuleRedirectUri; if ( strlen( $moduleRedirectUri ) > 0 and $moduleRedirectUri[0] != '/' ) $moduleRedirectUri = '/' . $moduleRedirectUri; } } if ( preg_match( '#^(\w+:)|^//#', $moduleRedirectUri ) ) { $redirectURI = $moduleRedirectUri; } else { $leftSlash = false; $rightSlash = false; if ( strlen( $redirectURI ) > 0 and $redirectURI[strlen( $redirectURI ) - 1] == '/' ) $leftSlash = true; if ( strlen( $moduleRedirectUri ) > 0 and $moduleRedirectUri[0] == '/' ) $rightSlash = true; if ( !$leftSlash and !$rightSlash ) // Both are without a slash, so add one $moduleRedirectUri = '/' . $moduleRedirectUri; else if ( $leftSlash and $rightSlash ) // Both are with a slash, so we remove one $moduleRedirectUri = substr( $moduleRedirectUri, 1 ); $redirectURI .= $moduleRedirectUri; } ////include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezstaticcache.php' ); eZStaticCache::executeActions(); eZDB::checkTransactionCounter(); if ( $automatic_redir ) { eZHTTPTool::redirect( $redirectURI, array(), $redirectStatus ); } else { // Make sure any errors or warnings are reported if ( $ini->variable( 'DebugSettings', 'DisplayDebugWarnings' ) == 'enabled' ) { if ( isset( $GLOBALS['eZDebugError'] ) and $GLOBALS['eZDebugError'] ) { eZAppendWarningItem( array( 'error' => array( 'type' => 'error', 'number' => 1, 'count' => $GLOBALS['eZDebugErrorCount'] ), 'identifier' => 'ezdebug-first-error', 'text' => ezi18n( 'index.php', 'Some errors occurred, see debug for more information.' ) ) ); } if ( isset( $GLOBALS['eZDebugWarning'] ) and $GLOBALS['eZDebugWarning'] ) { eZAppendWarningItem( array( 'error' => array( 'type' => 'warning', 'number' => 1, 'count' => $GLOBALS['eZDebugWarningCount'] ), 'identifier' => 'ezdebug-first-warning', 'text' => ezi18n( 'index.php', 'Some general warnings occured, see debug for more information.' ) ) ); } } require_once( "kernel/common/template.php" ); $tpl = templateInit(); if ( count( $warningList ) == 0 ) $warningList = false; $tpl->setVariable( 'site', $site ); $tpl->setVariable( 'warning_list', $warningList ); $tpl->setVariable( 'redirect_uri', eZURI::encodeURL( $redirectURI ) ); $templateResult = $tpl->fetch( 'design:redirect.tpl' ); eZDebug::addTimingPoint( "End" ); eZDisplayResult( $templateResult ); } eZExecution::cleanExit(); } // Store the last URI for access history for login redirection // Only if database is connected and only if there was no error or no redirects happen if ( is_object( $db ) and $db->isConnected() and $module->exitStatus() == eZModule::STATUS_OK ) { $currentURI = $completeRequestedURI; if ( strlen( $currentURI ) > 0 and $currentURI[0] != '/' ) $currentURI = '/' . $currentURI; $lastAccessedURI = ""; $lastAccessedViewURI = ""; $http = eZHTTPTool::instance(); // Fetched stored session variables if ( $http->hasSessionVariable( "LastAccessesURI" ) ) { $lastAccessedViewURI = $http->sessionVariable( "LastAccessesURI" ); } if ( $http->hasSessionVariable( "LastAccessedModifyingURI" ) ) { $lastAccessedURI = $http->sessionVariable( "LastAccessedModifyingURI" ); } // Update last accessed view page if ( $currentURI != $lastAccessedViewURI and !in_array( $module->uiContextName(), array( 'edit', 'administration', 'browse', 'authentication' ) ) ) { $http->setSessionVariable( "LastAccessesURI", $currentURI ); } // Update last accessed non-view page if ( $currentURI != $lastAccessedURI ) { $http->setSessionVariable( "LastAccessedModifyingURI", $currentURI ); } } eZDebug::addTimingPoint( "Module end '" . $module->attribute( 'name' ) . "'" ); if ( !is_array( $moduleResult ) ) { eZDebug::writeError( 'Module did not return proper result: ' . $module->attribute( 'name' ), 'index.php' ); $moduleResult = array(); $moduleResult['content'] = false; } if ( !isset( $moduleResult['ui_context'] ) ) { $moduleResult['ui_context'] = $module->uiContextName(); } $moduleResult['ui_component'] = $module->uiComponentName(); $templateResult = null; eZDebug::setUseExternalCSS( $use_external_css ); if ( $show_page_layout ) { require_once( "kernel/common/template.php" ); $tpl = templateInit(); if ( $tpl->hasVariable( 'node' ) ) $tpl->unsetVariable( 'node' ); if ( !isset( $moduleResult['path'] ) ) $moduleResult['path'] = false; $moduleResult['uri'] = eZSys::requestURI(); $tpl->setVariable( "module_result", $moduleResult ); $meta = $ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'MetaDataArray' ); if ( !isset( $meta['description'] ) ) { $metaDescription = ""; if ( isset( $moduleResult['path'] ) and is_array( $moduleResult['path'] ) ) { foreach ( $moduleResult['path'] as $pathPart ) { if ( isset( $pathPart['text'] ) ) $metaDescription .= $pathPart['text'] . " "; } } $meta['description'] = $metaDescription; } ////include_once( 'lib/version.php' ); $site['uri'] = $oldURI; $site['redirect'] = false; $site['meta'] = $meta; $site['version'] = eZPublishSDK::version(); $site['page_title'] = $module->title(); $tpl->setVariable( "site", $site ); ////include_once( 'lib/version.php' ); $ezinfo = array( 'version' => eZPublishSDK::version( true ), 'version_alias' => eZPublishSDK::version( true, true ), 'revision' => eZPublishSDK::revision() ); $tpl->setVariable( "ezinfo", $ezinfo ); if ( isset( $tpl_vars ) and is_array( $tpl_vars ) ) { foreach( $tpl_vars as $tpl_var_name => $tpl_var_value ) { $tpl->setVariable( $tpl_var_name, $tpl_var_value ); } } if ( $show_page_layout ) { if ( $ini->variable( 'DebugSettings', 'DisplayDebugWarnings' ) == 'enabled' ) { // Make sure any errors or warnings are reported if ( isset( $GLOBALS['eZDebugError'] ) and $GLOBALS['eZDebugError'] ) { eZAppendWarningItem( array( 'error' => array( 'type' => 'error', 'number' => 1 , 'count' => $GLOBALS['eZDebugErrorCount'] ), 'identifier' => 'ezdebug-first-error', 'text' => ezi18n( 'index.php', 'Some errors occurred, see debug for more information.' ) ) ); } if ( isset( $GLOBALS['eZDebugWarning'] ) and $GLOBALS['eZDebugWarning'] ) { eZAppendWarningItem( array( 'error' => array( 'type' => 'warning', 'number' => 1, 'count' => $GLOBALS['eZDebugWarningCount'] ), 'identifier' => 'ezdebug-first-warning', 'text' => ezi18n( 'index.php', 'Some general warnings occured, see debug for more information.' ) ) ); } } if ( $userObjectRequired ) { // include user class // if( //include_once( "kernel/classes/datatypes/ezuser/ezuser.php" ) ) $currentUser = eZUser::currentUser(); $tpl->setVariable( "current_user", $currentUser ); $tpl->setVariable( "anonymous_user_id", $ini->variable( 'UserSettings', 'AnonymousUserID' ) ); } else { $tpl->setVariable( "current_user", false ); $tpl->setVariable( "anonymous_user_id", false ); } // ////include_once( "lib/ezutils/classes/ezexecutionstack.php" ); // $execStack = eZExecutionStack::instance(); // $tpl->setVariable( "execution_entries", $execStack->entries() ); $tpl->setVariable( "access_type", $access ); if ( count( $warningList ) == 0 ) $warningList = false; $tpl->setVariable( 'warning_list', $warningList ); $resource = "design:"; if ( is_string( $show_page_layout ) ) { if ( strpos( $show_page_layout, ":" ) !== false ) { $resource = ""; } } else { $show_page_layout = "pagelayout.tpl"; } // Set the navigation part // Check for navigation part settings $navigationPartString = 'ezcontentnavigationpart'; if ( isset( $moduleResult['navigation_part'] ) ) { $navigationPartString = $moduleResult['navigation_part']; // Fetch the navigation part } $navigationPart = eZNavigationPart::fetchPartByIdentifier( $navigationPartString ); $tpl->setVariable( 'navigation_part', $navigationPart ); $tpl->setVariable( 'uri_string', $uri->uriString() ); if ( isset( $moduleResult['requested_uri_string'] ) ) { $tpl->setVariable( 'requested_uri_string', $moduleResult['requested_uri_string'] ); } else { $tpl->setVariable( 'requested_uri_string', $actualRequestedURI ); } // Set UI context and component $tpl->setVariable( 'ui_context', $moduleResult['ui_context'] ); $tpl->setVariable( 'ui_component', $moduleResult['ui_component'] ); $templateResult = $tpl->fetch( $resource . $show_page_layout ); } } else { $templateResult = $moduleResult['content']; } eZDebug::addTimingPoint( "End" ); $out = ob_get_clean(); echo trim( $out ); eZDB::checkTransactionCounter(); eZDisplayResult( $templateResult ); eZExecution::cleanup(); eZExecution::setCleanExit(); ?>